Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Women-Get Empowered

Here are my amazing friend Eileen Lunny's (Empowered Women in Action) commitments to get empowered...what are yours?:

To live the life of an Empowered Women, I have found a few concepts that I needed to commit to, for me to embark on this journey of self discovery. Each one has been vitally important to my overall well being and an important part of my daily routine. Without any one of these, I would not have the clarity to listen to, honor and acknowledge that still small voice within. These important steps are:

1) Surrender any compulsive behaviors that are preventing you from being still/ living the life you love.
For me this meant everything from sugar, caffeine, alcohol, diet soda, and the list goes on – for you it may be some of these or things like excessive shopping or working, a relationship –anything which causes an obsession for you and what you know when you are still is something that is blocking you from living your best life. If you have tried to do this on your own and haven’t been successful –join a support group or ask your close friends and family for support. Your well being is worth it.

2) Exercise. It is not negotiable.
Years ago, I was a “non-exercise snob!” I had lost and maintained a 45lb weight loss for over 5 years and I was proud to tell you I did it all without exercising. I thought I didn’t need it –until I heard my still small voice say “it’s time for you to give up caffeine.” It actually took an ulcer for me to be willing to take that important step, but once I wasn’t using caffeine I discovered that I had absolutely no energy any more. I then heard my inner voice calling me to exercise and my reply was always, “no not that! I don’t exercise, I don’t like to sweat, I don’t have time…” Finally I felt so run down that I had no choice but to try following my inner guidance. At the suggestion of a friend, I started with yoga because I was told it doesn’t feel like exercise. I moved slowly towards a more rigorous workout, and now I currently weight train two days a week and I do intense cardio training 3 days a week. I have found that not only does exercise move oxygen through my body, but it gives me more energy and helps my psyche. Take it from me – I know. Find the time – as if your life depends on it because it does.

3) Commit to some quiet time each day– sitting with yourself in stillness.
They say the only wrong way to mediate is not to do it and I agree. I had to start with 5 minutes on the oven timer, and if you find yourself facing resistance to this practice then I would suggest you do this too. I still struggle today with getting still and getting quiet, but when I make that commitment it makes such a difference in my day. It is impossible to follow our dreams and move forward with our inner most desires without making time to listen for what they are and learn about who we really are.

4) Make time for myself in my day or my week.
I am trying to block off a chunk of time each week just for me. This is not a time for errands, chores, being helpful to others– it is really me time – to do the things I love or just nap, watch tv whatever my spirit calls me to. I have a girlfriend who blocks off half of the time her son naps and that is her time. Put this on your schedule as if it were a work meeting or a kids event – in other words treat it with the care you would that – no cancelling or not showing up. Again, you are worth it.

5) Get a support network I could not have done this work if I did not have the love and support of the incredible honest, loving woman in my life. This journey is not meant to be travelled alone. Join our support group of Empowered Women (click here to learn more) or create your own!

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